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how to choose a telescope

Click on the image to read an excellent guide from Sky and telescope about the basics of types of telescopes and which kind might be best for you.

monthly printable star charts

astronomer's weather forecast

Stellarium is a free planetarium program

Don't let the price fool you. Stellarium is a top-notch planetarium program. It runs on a Mac, a PC, on mobile devices, and in a web browser.

clear sky chart

A concise summary of weather conditions relevant to astronomy observing over the next few days. You can customize it to your location.

Southworth Planetarium

Conveniently located on the Portland campus of the University of Southern Maine, the Southworth Planetarium is open to the public every day except Monday. Shows on specific topics are regularly offered and private groups can schedule time as well. SMA members can attend for free!


The Astronomical League

Cornerstones of Science

DarkSky International

Dark Sky Maine

The Night Sky Network

©2024 Southern Maine Astronomers

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