membership benefits
Free membership to the Astronomical League which includes the Reflector magazine mailed to your home (or to your email inbox).
Access to the no-charge telescope loan program. You get the scope plus accessories for a month (extendable).
Free access to the Southworth Planetarium at USM Portland.
Learn stuff! Our members use all manner of equipment in all sorts of ways. Our star parties and meetings are a great opportunity to pick some brains. Our meetings frequently feature observing topics as well as talks from practicing astronomers.
Pick up some gear! Nice equipment is often donated to the Club. When there isn't an immediate good use case, the Club will offer the gear for sale to members first. Members themselves are sometimes looking to sell gear too.
You will be supporting the club.
​The main thing is that we all love to talk and do astronomy.​​​

renew your membership, or become a new member, or buy stuff!
There's a little bit of astronomer in everyone. And everyone can use a warm beanie from our store for those cold observing nights.
Come join a club filled with members that celebrate astronomy. Some of us have a special interest in astrophotography. Others like to do eye-at-eyepiece visual. A few are happy looking at columns of numbers (those folks call that data) from a light curve, while there are members who create astro art. Most every interest exists in-between.
We also do mentoring, sponsor public outreach, hold meetings, do member how-to sessions, have star parties, and fight light pollution. We even loan out nice scopes to members for a month at a time.
A Customized Warm Beanie